Waukeen Vinson – Off-center Birds

In our January 2024 club meeting, Waukeen Vinson visited us from Corpus Christi to show us how he turns birds using a homemade off-center chuck.

Some of the materials Waukeen shared with us are available below, and although we were able to record the demo, unfortunately the audio cut-off after the first 30 seconds or so. Hopefully we’ll get that worked out for next time.

Since the audio is not available and it might not be obvious from the video, Waukeen wasn’t able to finish the piece in the demo because the mortise in his chuck failed. It was a well used chuck and it was just its time to go.

There was a good suggestion from the audience that the next version use a faceplate instead of an expansion mortise as that would last longer.

Regardless, technique and jigs used to turn the birds were great. Thanks Waukeen!
