2017 Christmas Party

Huge thanks to Pat and Clyde for hosting the party! You can find Drew’s pictures of the fun here. The picture url is https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNY-nGfqGRTCi_KoLaS1Y2PPQkUpe2q-ydsLpz5s8Vh0h9cukjabEarE9wrubceMg?key=NGJ1LVFGR2s5QmU0QU5pLU42ZFYtU19yQnZYZENR HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Jim Creel Demo Handouts

The handout for the demonstraction this Saturday (11/4) is below. Please download and print it out if you want a copy during the demo. CTWA_Nov2017_Jim_Creel_Demo

November Meeting Changes!

Don’t forget this month there is no Tuesday (11/21) meeting or First Saturday. We are meeting Saturday (11/4) at American Youth Works for an all day demo! If you are in the Sunday class don’t forget about the time change for daylight savings!